Thursday, September 12, 2013

Lady Nightshade Ghost Bride Halloween Costume

Lady Nightshade Ghost Bride Halloween Costume. Wandering the graveyard in search of your groom, you drift through the world in an endless fog that clouds your mind from the unfortunate truth. The Lady Nightshade Ghost Bride Halloween Costume features an off-white and gray gown which looks perfectly aged for the long time you've spent in the graveyard's musky environment. Also included are wrist inserts, neckband, and sheer gray veil which offers an excellent ghostly appearance that's sure to give the living uncomfortable shivers. Being dead for so long makes you drift in and out of your consciousness, causing you to lose control and become a malevolent ghost that shrieks in the night out of sorrow. The greatest sadness is an unrealized love and having to exist without it for eternity. This Halloween, you'll be giving everyone heebie jeebies in large doses and ensuring that you'll be one ghost they never forget.